الرئيسية / الدورات التدريبية / تكنولوجيا الديزل الحيوي

تكنولوجيا الديزل الحيوي

Title Biodiesel Technology
Trainers Prof. Dr. Kamal A. Abed

Dr. Ahmed E. Farrag

Eng. Hasan M. Abo Hashish

Duration 3 days
  1. Biodiesel Sources Jatropha seeds, waste cooking oil, and Algal oil.
  2. Utilization screw press to obtain Jatropha oil
  3. Biodiesel preparation
  4. Utilization of Catalyzed transesterification to obtain biodiesel
  5. Physical and chemical properties of biodiesel blends compared to diesel fuel
  6. Diesel engine test rig with its measuring instruments and gas analyzer.
  7. Operation of the engine fueled with different blends of biodiesel.
  8. Measuring output power and exhaust emissions.
  9. Analyses of the obtained results.