الرئيسية / الدورات التدريبية / تقنيات القياس في طاقة الرياح

تقنيات القياس في طاقة الرياح

Title Measurement Techniques in Wind Energy
Trainers Prof. Dr. Abdel Aziz M. Abouel Fotouh

Dr. Mahmoud A. El-Bayoumi

Eng. Lina Abdel Salam

Duration 5 days
Contents ·      Design the outlines data acquisition system with signal conditioning instrumentation for the real time measurements.

·      Description of the Sensors technology for the acquiring flow characteristics around the wind turbine blades and the stress and strains acting on the wind turbine blades and structure

·      Define the basic measurements analysis concepts and relevant to wind energy

·      Design experimental setup for the determination flow characteristics  around the wind turbines blades and structure.

·      Design experimental setup for the determination power performance of the wind turbines.

·      Design experimental setup for determination of wind turbine structure characteristics, loads and strains.

·      Introduction to the wind turbine noise measurements

·      Techniques for processing the measurements results to determine the wind turbine performance and structure characteristics