الرئيسية / الدورات التدريبية / ترشيد ومراجعة الطاقة

ترشيد ومراجعة الطاقة

Title Energy Auditing and Rationalization
Trainers Prof. Dr. Kamal A. Abed

Prof. Dr. Mervat A. Badr

Dr. Mahmoud A. El-Bayoumi

Eng. Abdullah M. A. Shaaban

Duration 3 days
Contents 1.      Energy sources, types and its indicators

2.      Thermal Power plants in Egypt

3.      Water Power Plants in Egypt

4.      Renewable Energy

5.      Solar Power Plants

6.      Sources of Bio-diesel Fuel and its utilization

7.      Energy efficiency

8.      Energy Saving in houses, hotels, hospitals and markets.

9.      Energy Saving in industry

10.  Energy auditing