الرئيسية / الأبحاث العلمية

الأبحاث العلمية

  1. Mohamed I EL-Anwar, Mohamed M EL- Zawahry, Mohammed Z. Nassani, Ibraheem EM, Hisham S ElGabry. “New implant selection criterionbased on implant design”. European Journal of Dentistry. 2017; 11(3): xx-xx. In Press
  2. El-Anwar MI, El-Taftazany EA, Hamed HA, Abd ElHay MA. “Influence of Number of Implants and Attachment Type on Stress Distribution in Mandibular Implant-Retained Overdentures: Finite Element Analysis”, J Med Sci.; Vol.(5),No.(2),pp.244-249,2017
  3. Amani R Moussa, Hisham S ElGabry, Mohamed M EL- Zawahry,Mohamed I EL-Anwar, Influence of V-shaped palatal vault on denture base materials’ characteristics: A finite element analysis. Medical Research Journal (ISSN 2090-6242). Vol.(15),No.(2),pp.76–81, 2016;
  4. El-Anwar MI, Yousief SA, Kataia EM, Abd El-Wahab TM, “Finite Element Study on Continuous Rotating versus Reciprocating Nickel-Titanium Instruments”, Braz. Dent. J, Vol.27,No.(4),pp.436-441, 2016.
  5. Mohamed M EL- Zawahry, Mohamed I EL-Anwar, Mohamed S ELMofty, Ahmed F EL-Ragi, Amani R Moussa, Hisham S ElGabry, Amr M Shebaita, “Implant angulations effect on bone stresses: Clinical and FEA study”, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences (Res J Pharm Biol Chem Sci), Vol.(7) ,No.(3)pp.2448-2454, 2016.
  6. Mohamed El-Anwar, Rami Ghali, Mona Aboelnagga, “3D Finite element study on: bar splinted implants supporting partial denture in the reconstructed mandible”, OA Maced J Med Sci, Vol.(4), No.(1),pp.164-171, 2016.
  7. Mohamed I. El-Anwar, Khairy E. AL-Azrag, Mohamed H. Ghazy, Lamia E. Dawood, “Influence of implant-abutment angulations and crown material on stress distribution on central incisor: a 3D FEA”, Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (Braz J Oral Sci),Vol.(14), No.(4),pp.323-329, 2015.
  8. Soliman TA, Tamam RA, Yousief SA, El-Anwar MI, “Assessment of stress distribution around implant fixture with three different crown materials”, Tanta Dental Journal, Vol.(12),No.(4),pp.249-58, 2015.
  9. El-Anwar MI, Yousief SA, Soliman TA, Saleh MM, Omar WS, “A Finite element study on stresses distribution of two different attachment designs under implant supported overdenture”, The Saudi Dental Journal, Vol.(27),No.(4),pp.201-207, 2015.
  10. Tmmam RA, El-Anwar MI, Fawzy UM, Yousief SA, “The biomechanical effect of suprastructure loading and materials on stress state of implant supported single restorations 3d finite element analysis”, Int J Dent Health Sci, Vol.(2),No.(5),pp.1071-1079, 2015.
  11. El Banna KA, Mohsen CA, Hassan MR, El-Anwar MI, “Effect of design and material on vertical margin gap distance of all-ceramic bridges”, International Journal of Sciences & Applied Research (IJSAR),Vol.2,No.(5),pp. 23-29, 2015.
  12. I. El-Anwar, K. Zhang, A. Naguib, A.M. Abouel-Fotouh, “Pressure fluctuations produced by a jet impingingon a wall at normal and oblique incidence”, Egypt J Appl Sci, Vol.(30),No.(1),pp.13-23, 2015.
  13. El-Zawahry MM, El-Ragi AA, El-Anwar MI, Ibraheem EM, “The biomechanical effect of different denture base materials on the articular disc in complete denture wearers: a finite element analysis”, OA Maced J Med Sci, Vol.3,No.(3),pp.455-461, 2015.
  14. El-Anwar MI, Mandorah AO, Yousief SA, Soliman TA, Abd El-Wahab TM, “A Finite Element Study on: Mechanical Behavior of Reciprocating Dental Files”, Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (Braz J Oral Sci.),Vol.(14),No.(1),pp.52-59, 2015.
  15. El-Anwar MI, Tamam RA, Fawzy UM, Yousief SA, “The effect of luting cement type and thickness on stress distribution in upper premolar implant restored with metal ceramic crowns”, Tanta Dental Journal,Vol.(12),No.(1).pp.48-55,2015
  16. Abou El Yazeed M, El Zawahry M, El-Anwar M, Abou Zeid W, “Three dimensional finite element analysis of a traumatized avulsed maxillar permanent central incisor in children”, CurrentScience International (ISSN 2077-4435),Vol.4,No.(1),pp.19-26,2015.
  17. AL-Azrag KI, Ghazy MH, El-Anwar MI, Dawood LE, “Influence of implant abutment angulations on fracture resistance and stress analysis of different all-ceramic restoration”, Mansoura Journal of Dentistry (MJD),Vol.(1),No.(4),pp.94-99, 2014.
  18. Fathy SM, El-Anwar MI, El-Fallal AA, El-Negoly SA, “Three-dimensional finite element analysis of lower molar tooth restored with fully milled and layered zirconia crowns”, Journal of Dental Health, Oral Disorders and Therapy, Vol.1,No.(4), 2014.
  19. El-Banna KA, El-Anwar MI, Salem SK, “Fracture resistance of two all ceramic posterior fixed partial dentures designs: a finite element analysis”,Egyptian Dental Journal (Egypt Dent J), Vol.(60),No.(3), pp. 3303-3312, July 2014.
  20. El-Anwar MI, Mohammed MS, “Comparison between two low profile attachments for implant mandibular overdentures”, Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Vol.(12),No.(1),pp.45–53, 2014.
  21. El-Anwar MI, El-Mofty MS, Awad AH, El-Sheikh SA, El-Zawahry MM, “The effect of usingdifferent crown and implant materials on bone stress distribution: a finite element study”, Egyptian Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (EJOMS),Vol.5,No.(2),pp.58-64, May 2014.
  22. El-Anwar MI, El-Mofty MS, Fawzy UM,“The influence of different gingival thickness on stress to implant-supported overdenture and bone”, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) e-ISSN: 2279-0853. Vol.(13),No.(3)pp.17-23,2014.
  23. AbdelAzim A, Zaki A, El-Anwar M,“Single molar restoration: wide implant versus two conventional”, Implant Tribune, Dental Tribune United Kingdom Edition, published by Dental Tribune Asia Pacific Ltd, Vol.4,No.(1),pp.12-14,January 2014.
  24. A. Abed, J. Lewandowski, and A. Miller, “Attempt of Generalization of Flow Capacity Characteristics of Impulse Type Turbine Stages Groups, ZeszytyNaukowePolitechnikiLodzkiej Nr 674, CieplneMaszynyPrzeplywowe Z. 103, pp. 285 – 297, 1992.
  25. A. Abed,” Variable Speed Operation of Small Scale Wind Turbines”, World  Renewable Energy  Congress, Reading, U.K, pp. 2025-2028, Sept.,  1994.
  26. El-Mallah, and K. A. Abed,” Optimum Selection of Wind Energy Pumping Systems”, Journal of  the Egyptian Society of  Engineers, Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 22-24, 1994
  27. . K. A. Abed, M. Badr and A. El- Mallah,” Off – Design Performance of  Small  Wind Turbine”,   Journal of the Egyptian Society of  Engineers, Vol. 34, No. 1, pp. 31-34, 1995.
  28. Miller, J. Lewandowski, K. A. Abed, ” A Contribution to  the  Flugel’s – Stodola’s Law  for Flow Capacity of Turbine Stages Group”, First European Conference, Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamic and Thermodynamic Aspects, Erlangen, March 1-3, 1995, pp. 391-405, VDI BERICHTE 1185, Dusseldorf , ISSN 0083-5560, ISBN 3-18-091185-9, 1995.
  29. Shaaban, Y. Abo-Mossalam, K. A. Abed, and N. El-Chazly, “The effect of Vehicle Suspension System  Components on the Ride   Comfort due to Road Roughness”, Mansoura Engineering  Journal,   Faculty of  Engineering, Mansoura  University, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp.28-37, 1995.
  30. A. Abed, A. Miller, and J. Lewandowski, ” Performance Characteristics of Impulse Type Turbine Stages Groups, Warsaw University Journal , The archive of Mechanical Engineering, PL ISSN 0004 –0738, Vol. XLII, 3-4, pp. 211-231, 1995,.
  31. A. Abed and A.A. El-Mallah,” Investigation of the Performance of Air-Lift Pumps”,12th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA’96, Czech Republic, 25-30 August, 1996.
  32. A. Abed,” Theoretical Study on  the Performance of Air-Lift Pumps”, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 14 -18, 1996.
  33. El-Mallah, K. A. Abed and M. A. Badr,” Effect of using Renewable  Energy Sources on  the Reduction  of  CO2  Emission”,  Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol. 35, No. 3, pp. 38-41,1996.
  34. A. Abed, “Energy Storage in Compressed Air”, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol. 35, No.2, pp. 46-49, 1996.
  35. A. Abed,” Performance of a Wind- Turbine – Driven Compressor for Lifting Water”, Energy Journal , Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 21-26, 1997.
  36. A. Abed and A.A. El–Mallah,” Capacity Factor  of  Wind  Turbines”, Energy Journal, Vol.22, No. 5, pp. 487-491,1997.
  37. M.A. Ibrahim, M. N. El-Kordy, M.A. Badr, K. A. Abed, and A. El-Mallah, “Environmental Impact Evaluation of wind  Energy  Exploitation “,World Renewable Energy congress V, Florence, 20-25 September 1998.
  38. A. Ziada, K. A. Abed, and A. El-Mallah, “Simulation of the Flow pattern in Air Cushion Plenum Chambers”, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol. 37, No.2, pp. 36-44, 1998.
  39. Miller, J. Lewandowski, Z. Trzcinska, and K. A. Abed, “Generalized Performance Characteristics of Turbine Stage Groups”, Warsaw University Journal, The Archive of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. XLVII, pp. 33-52 , PL ISSN 0004-0738,  Poland, 2000.
  40. A. Abed, “Optimization of the Performance Characteristics of Air-Lift Pumps”, Journal of  the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp.29-33, 2000.
  41. A. Abed, “Investigation of Flow Capacity Characteristics of Axial Flow Reaction Turbine, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp.43-50, 2000.
  42. N. El-Kordy, M.A. Badr, K. A. Abed, A. El-Mallah, and S.M.A. Ibrahim, “Environmental Impacts Assessment Matrices for  Electricity  Generation  Systems “, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol.40, pp.31-38, 2001.
  43. A. Abed, “Experimental Investigation of the Performance of Air – Lift Pumps”, Journal of  the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol. 40, No.3, pp. 19-23, 2001.
  44. N. El-Kordy, K. A. Abed, M.A. Badr, A. El-Mallah, and S.M.A. Ibrahim, “Economical Evaluation of Electricity Generation Considering Externalities“, Renewable Energy Journal , Vol. 25, pp 317-328, 2002.
  45. A. Abed, “Operational Criteria of the Performance of Air-Lift Pumps”, Journal of the Indian Institute of Engineers, Vol. 84, pp. 1-6, 2003.
  46. A. Abed, “Performance Estimation of Axial Flow Reaction Turbine”, Journal of The Institution  of Engineers (India), Vol.84, pp. 7 -12, April 2003.
  47. A. Abed, M.A. Badr, M. N. El-Kordy, A. El-Mallah, and S.M.A. Ibrahim, “Airborne Emissions from Wind Energy  Converters and Photovoltaic Life Cycle”, Eng. Research Journal, Minoufiya University, Vol. 32, No. 3, PP.329 – 337, 2009.
  48. A. Abed, M.A. Badr, and A. El-Mallah, ” Investigation of Socio – Economic and Energy Indicators in the Context of Sustainable Development”: Egyptian Case Study, Eng. Research Journal, Minoufiya University, Vol. 32, No. 3, PP.319 – 328, 2009.
  49. Y. Maalawi and W.H. Warner, “Global optimization of multi-segment rods in axial motion”, Report-AEM 8880, Plan B Project, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota, USA, September 1984.
  50. M. Negmand K.Y. Maalawi, “A global objective function for aircraft design optimization”,  Scientific Engineering Bulletin, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, No. (4), 1986.
  51. M. Negm and K.Y. Maalawi, “Wing design optimization”, The 21st annual conference in statistics, computer science and operations research, Vol.(4) Operation Research, Cairo University, December 1986.
  52. M. Negm and K.Y. Maalawi, “Structural design optimization of wind turbine towers”, Journal of Computers & Structures, Vol.74, No. 6, p. 649-666, February 2000.
  53. Y. Maalawi and M.T. Badawy, “A direct method for evaluating performance of horizontal axis wind turbines, Journal of Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Vol.5 (2), June 2001, pp.175-190.
  54. Y. Maalawiand H.M. Negm, “Frequency Optimization of a rotating Wind Turbine Blade”, ISES 2001 Solar World Congress, Adelaide, Australia, November 2001.
  55. Y. Maalawi and M. Ziada, “On the static instability of flexible pipes conveying fluid”, Journal of Fluids & Structures, Vol.16, No. 5, pp.685-690,  September 2002.
  56. Y. Maalawi and H.M. Negm, “Optimal frequency design of wind turbine blades”, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.90, No.8, pp.961-986, August 2002.
  57. Y. Maalawi and N.M. El-Chazly, “Global Optimization of Multi-element Beam-Type Structures”, The Second International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, ASEM’02, Busan, South Korea, August 21-23, 2002.
  58. Y. Maalawi, “Buckling optimization of flexible columns. International Journal of Solids and Structures”, Vol.39, No.23, pp. 5865-5876, November 2002.
  59. Y. Maalawi, “Maximum stability design of beam-columns with piecewise uniform sections”, The 7th Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of scientific Research and Technology, Cairo, Egypt, March 11-12, 2003.
  60. Y. Maalawi and M.A. Badr, “A practical approach for selecting optimum wind rotors”, International Journal of Renewable Energy, Vol.28, No.5, pp.803-822, April 2003.
  61. Y. Maalawi and M.A. Badr, “Efficient Aerodynamic Design of Wind Turbine Blades”, The 1st International Conference On Green & Advanced Engineering Technologies, Engineering Research Division, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt, 4-6 January, 2004.
  62. Y. Maalawi and M.A. Badr, “Key-Design Equations of Electricity-generating Wind Turbines”, Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol.43, No.1, March 2004.
  63. Y. Maalawi and M. A. Ziada. “Design of Pipelines for Maximum Critical Flow Velocity”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 51, No.2, April 2004.
  64. Y. Maalawi and A. M. AbouelFotouh, “Design of Thin Pipes against Flow-Induced Flutter” Journal of the Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol. 43, No.2, June 2004.
  65. Y. Maalawi and N. M. El-Chazly, “Practical Shapes of the Strongest Columns”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 51, No. 3, June 2004.
  66. Y. Maalawi and N. M. El-Chazly, “On the Optimal Design of Beams in Bending Vibration”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 52, No. 5, October 2005.
  67. Y. Maalawi and A. M. AbouelFotouh, “Investigation of Instability of Flexible Pipes Transporting Fluids”, Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol. 52, No. 6, December 2005.
  68. .K.Y. Maalawi, “Frequency Placement of a Wind Rotor/Tower Structure in Free Yaw”, World Renewable Energy Congress WREC-IX, Florence, Italy, 19-25 August 2006.
  69. Hassan A. I., Maalawi K.Y. and Negm H. M. ,“Frequency Optimization of Conical Shells under Mass Equality Constraint”, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, Vol.2, No. 11, pp.821-830, November 2006.
  70. Karam Y. Maalawi, “A Model for Yawing Dynamic Optimization of a Wind Turbine Structure”, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol.(49), pp. 1130-1138, Oct. 2007.
  71. Librescu L &Maalawi K., “Material grading for improved aeroelastic stability in composite wings”, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol.2, No.(7), pp.1381-1394. Sep. 2007.
  72. Karam Y. Maalawi, “Optimal buckling design of anisotropic rings/long cylinders under external pressure,” Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol.3,No.(4), pp.775-793, April 2008.
  73. Librescu L. and Maalawi K.Y., “Aeroelastic design optimization of thin-walled subsonic wings against divergence,” Thin-Walled Structures, Vol.47, pp.89-97, Jan.2009.
  74. Maalawi K.Y. and Mervat A. Badr, “Design optimization of mechanical elements and structures: A review with application,” Journal of Applied Sciences Research, Vol. 5, No.2, pp. 221-231, March 2009.
  75. Karam Y. Maalawi, “Optimization of elastic columns using axial grading concept,” Engineering Structures, Vol. 31, pp.2922-2929, 2009.
  76. Y. Maalawi, “A Generalized formulation for radially graded composite cylinders/rings with maximized stability limits,” Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Vol.57, No.2, April 2010.
  77. M. El-Hossainy, A.A. El Zoghby, M.A. Badr, K.Y. Maalawi, M.F. Nasr, “Cutting parameter optimization when machining different materials,” Materials and manufacturing Processes, Vol.(25),No.(10), pp.1101-1114, December 2010
  78. Karam Y. Maalawi, Use of material grading for enhanced buckling design of thin-walled composite rings/long cylinders under external pressure,” Composite Structures,Vol.(93),No.(2), pp.351-359, 2011.
  79. Karam Y. Maalawi, “Functionally graded bars with enhanced dynamic performance,” Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 377-393, 2011.
  80. Special Issues on Design Optimization of Wind Turbine Structures, Wind Turbines, Ibrahim Al-Bahadly (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-221-0, InTech, April 2011.
  81. KaramMaalawi, “Functionally graded material blades with enhanced aeroelastic performance”, International Workshop on Advanced Materials for Wind Turbine blades, MatWind2011, CAM, The British University in Egypt, May 15-16, 2011.
  82. Hassanein M.D. A. and Maalawi K., “Manufacturing a yaw controlled small-scale wind turbines in Egypt,” 8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, ICEENG-2012, Military Technical College in Cairo, Egypt, May 29-31.
  83. KaramMaalawi, “Stability, Dynamic and Aeroelastic Optimization of Functionally Graded Composite Structures,” Advances in Computational Stability Analysis, SafaBozkurtCoskun (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0673-9, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/45878, August, 2012,
  84. Karam Y. Maalawi, “A Model for Dynamic Optimization of Pitch-Regulated Wind Turbines with Application,” Advances in Wind Power, Rupp Carriveau (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0863-4, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/53347, November 2012.
  85. KaramMaalawi, “Frequency optimization of a wind turbine blade,” 3rd Egyptian Tunisian Workshop on New and Renewable Energies, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt, 11-12 June, 2013.
  86. E. Beshay, K.Y. Maalawi, S.M. Abdrabbo and T.A. Khalifa, “ Dynamic optimization of thin-walled composite blades of wind turbines,” World Applied Sciences Journal, Vol.33,No.(3): 525-535, 2015.
  87. F. Nasr, A.A. El-Zoghby, K.Y. Maalawi, B.S. Azzam and M.A. Badr, “ Torsional buckling optimization of composite drive shafts,” World Applied Sciences Journal Vol.33,No.(3): 517-524, 2015.
  88. Y. Maalawi, A. M. Abouel-Fotouh, M. El Bayoumi, Khaled Ahmed Ali Yehia, “Design of Composite Pipes Conveying Fluid for Improved Stability Characteristics,” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562, Vol. 11, No. 12, pp7633-7639, 2016.
  89. M. Khattab, M.A. Badr, K.Y. Maalawi, E.T. El Shenawy, H.H. El Ghetany and N.M. Ibrahim, “Hybrid Renewable Energy System for Water Desalination: A Case Study for Small Green House Hydroponic Cultivation in Egypt,” APPN Journal of Engineering and Application Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 21, November 2016.
  90. Karam Y. Maalawi, “Dynamic Optimization of Functionally Graded Thin-Walled Box Beams,” International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, Vol. 17, No.9, 2017.
  91. Abdallah, A. Amin, A. El-Gendi, M. El-Bayoumi, “Quaternary polymeric thermodynamic system and membrane formation mathematical model”, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ISSN: 1819-6608, Vol.(12), No.(7), pp. 2177-2191, 2017.
  92. El Rafie, E.M. Khater, M. El Bauomy, M.S. Mohamed, “Production of High Purity Hydrogen from Magnesium Metal Reaction with Citric Acid in Seawater”, Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences ISSN: 0975-8585, Vol.(6), No.(7), pp. 725-735, 2016.
  93. Y. Maalawi, A. M. Abouel-Fotouh, M. El-Bayoumi, K. A. Yehia, “Design of Composite Pipes Conveying Fluid for Improved Stability Characteristics “, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562, Vol.(11), No.(12), pp.7633-7639, 2016.
  94. A.Abed, M.A.Badr, A. Bahgat, , M.El-Bayoumi, A.A. Ragheb, “Experimental Results of PV- Diesel Hybrid Energy system”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562, Vol.(11), No.(2), pp. 1471-1477, 2016.
  95. A.Abed, A. Bahgat, M.A.Badr, M.El-Bayoumi, A.A. Ragheb, “Experimental Results of Computer Monitoring of PV- Based Energy system”, World Renewable Energy Conference (WREC XIII) , 03-08 Aug. 2014, University of Kingston, London, U.K.
  96. M.Ibrahim, K.A.Abed, M.EL Bayoumy, M.S.Gad, “Theoretical Investigation of The Performance of Diesel Engine Fueled by Biodiesel”, Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector (JAUES), Vol.(9), No.(30), pp.113-122, 2014.
  97. El-Midany, T.T., El-Chazly, N., El-Bayoumi, M.,”A New Concept For Manipulating Machine Tools Through CNC Systems”, Mansoura Engineering Journal (MEJ), Vol.(20), No.(3), 1995.
  98. El-Mallah, A., Abed, K.A., Badr, M. A., “ Effect of Using Renewable Energy Sources On The Reduction of CO2 Emission.”, Solar Energy Society, Harare, 1995.
  99. Khattab, N.M. and Badr, M. A., “Economic Evaluation of All Year Round Solar Dryer”, Proc. of Al-Azhar Engineering 4th Conference,vol.7 Cairo, Egypt, 1995.
  100. Badr, M. A., “Generalization of The Performance of Medium Size Variable Speed Operation Wind Turbines”, Journal of Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol.38, No. 2, 1999.
  101. EKordy, M.N, Badr, M. A., Abed, K.A., and El-Mallah, and Ibrahim, S.M.A., “Environmental Impact Evaluation Assessment Matrices for Electricity Generation Systems”, ”, Journal of Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol.39, No. 3, 2000.
  102. El-Kordy, M.N, Badr, M. A., Abed, K.A., and Ibrahim, S.M.A., “Economical Evaluation of
  103. Electricity Generation Considering Externalitiss”, Journal of Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol.39, No. 4, 2000.
  104. Hozayyin, M. A. Badr and M. E. Hellal, ” An Investigation of Group Scheduling Heuristics in a Flow-Line Cell”, Proceedings of Current Advances in Mechanical Design and Production VII, Cairo, Egypt, 2000
  105. Maalawi, K.Y., and Badr, M. A., “A Practical Approach for Selecting Optimum Wind Rotors”, Renewable Energy Journal, 28, pp. 803-822, 2003.
  106. Maalawi, K.Y., and Badr, M. A.,”Key-Design Equations of Electricity-Generating Wind Turbines”,Journal of Egyptian Society of Engineers, Vol.(43), No(1), 2004
  107. E. Abd El-Samie, M.A.Badr, A.M. Abou El-Fotooh, ” Microbial Hydrogen Production”, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2007.
  108. A. Badr, K. A. Abed, A. A. El-Mallah,”Investigation of Socio-Economic and Energy Indicators in the Context of Environmental Impacts: Egyptian Case Study”, Engineering Research Journal (ERJ), Menoufia University, Vol. 32, No. 3, July 2009.
  109. A. Badr, K. A. Abed, A. A. El-Mallah,” Airborn Emissions from Wind Energy and Photovoltaic Life Cycle”, Engineering Research Journal (ERJ), Menoufia University, Vol. 32, No. 3 July 2009.
  110. Karam Y. Maalawi and M. A. Badr, ” Design Optimization of Mechanical Elements and Structures: Review with Application”, Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 2009.
  111. Karam Y. Maalawi and M. A. Badr, “Frequency Optimization of a Wind Turbine Blade in Pitching Motion”, Accepted for publication in Journal of Power and Energy, 2010.
  112. El-Hossainy, T.M., El-Zoghby, A.A., Badr, M.A., Maalawi, K.Y., Nasr, M.F.Cutting parameteroptimization when machining different materials”, Materials and Manufacturing Processes,Vol. 25,No.(10), pp. 1101-1114, 2010.
  113. Ismail, N., Temerk, Y.M., El-Meligi, A.A., Badr, M.A., Madian, M., “Synthesis and characterization of MnPS3 for hydrogen sorption”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry,Vol.183,No. (5), pp. 984-987, 2010.
  114. A. Abed, A.A. Almalllh and M. A. Badr, “Energy Efficiency Uses in Peri-Urban Regions: Egyptian Case Study”, Advances in Environment, Biotechnology and Biomedicine (ISBN: 978-1-61804-122-7), 2012
  115. A. Badr, A.N. Mohib and M.M. Ibrahim,“Small Wind Turbine Hybrid System for Remote Application: Egyptian Case Study” International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial and Mechatronics Engineering Vol.8, No. 9, Sep. 2014.
  116. A. Badr, A. N. Mohib, M. M. Ibrahim, “Small Wind Turbine Hybrid System for Remote Application: Egyptian Case Study”. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology”, International Journal of Mechanical, Aerospace, Industrial, Mechatronics and Manufacturing Engineering Vol.8, No.9, 2014
  117. A. Abed, M.A. Badr, Enas R. Shouman, “Cost Analysis Of Energy Efficient Domestic Refrigerators”, International Research Journal of Electronics & communication Engineering. Volume1, Issue 4 of May 2015
  118. F. Nasr, A.A. El-Zoghby, K.Y. Maalawi, B.S. Azzam and M.A. Badr, “Torsional Buckling Optimization of Composite Drive Shafts”, World Applied Sciences Journal ISSN 1818-4952,Vol. 33,No.(3),pp. 517-524, 2015
  119. Enas R. Shouman, E.T. El Shenawy and M.A. Badr, “Economics Analysis of Diesel and Solar Water Pumping With Case Study Water Pumping for Irrigation in Egypt”, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562, Vol. 10, No.5, pp. 3979-3982, 2015.
  120. K. A. Abed, Amr M. A. Amin, Adel A. El-Samahy and Abdullah M. A. Shaaban, “Modeling and Simulation of Multi Purposes Concentrated Solar Power System”, European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology (EJAET), ISSN: 2394 – 658X, volume 5, Issue 6, pp. 375-385, 2018.
  121. K. A. Abed, Amr M. A. Amin, Adel A. El-Samahy and Abdullah M. A. Shaaban, “Energy Management Of Solar Thermal Energy Driving ORC And TDC”, World Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (WJERT), ISSN: 2454-695X, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 168-186, 2019.