الرئيسية / الدورات التدريبية / ادارة عمليات الصيانة

ادارة عمليات الصيانة

Title Maintenance
Trainers Prof. Dr. Kamal A. Abed

Dr. Mahmoud A. El-Bayoumi

Duration 5 days
  1. General concepts of maintenance
  2. Types of maintenance ( Corrective, Preventive, predictive )
  3. The basic elements of maintenance management
  4. Maintenance objectives
  5. Maintenance Plans
  6. Factors determining maintenance strategy
  7. Total productive maintenance
  8. Reliability centered maintenance (RCM)
  9. Maintenance method selection
  10. Maintenance operation
  11. Maintenance scheduling
  12. Computer Maintenance Systems
  13. Fault Analysis
  14. Reliability & Availability and Maintainability