الرئيسية / الدورات التدريبية / أنظمة التحكم الهيدروليكية

أنظمة التحكم الهيدروليكية

Title Hydraulic Control Systems
Trainers Prof. Dr. Kamal A. Abed

Dr. Hany E. Fawaz

Dr. Mahmoud A. El-Bayoumi

Duration 5 days
  1. Hydraulic systems
  2. Hydraulic principles
  3. Hydraulic applications
  4. Fundamental of control systems
  5. Types of control systems
  6. Main components of automatic control systems
  7. Pneumatic and hydraulic control
  8. Directional flow valves
  9. Hydraulic circuits
  10. Characteristics of different valves
  11. Circuit design
  12. Control of a single acting hydraulic cylinder
  13. Control of a double acting hydraulic cylinder
  14. Regenerative circuit
  15. Hydrostatic transmission
  16. Hydraulic Valves