Home / Important News / Using wind and solar energy in Nubaria to generate electricity using horizontal turbines and solar cells

Using wind and solar energy in Nubaria to generate electricity using horizontal turbines and solar cells

The National Research Centre, represented by the Mechanical Engineering Department, extended the plant’s farm in Nubaria with solar cells and wind turbines for use in lighting the administrative building of the farm and the desalination unit. The center’s scientists installed a 1-kilowatt wind turbine as a model to exploit wind in the desert to generate electricity in remote areas and was electrically connected to the solar system installed in the field.
The design was honored by a group of professors in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, which was carried out under the supervision of:
Eng. Amr El Feky
Eng. Abdullah Mohammed
Eng. Tawfiq Mohammed
Dr. Marwa Mohsen
Eng. Hassan Abu Hashish
As well as the role of Mr. Mohamed Fouad in the work of manufacturing, installation, and operation.

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