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Prof. Dr. Attia Abdelkader El-Mallah

Curriculum Vitae

Prof. El-Mallah, Research professor, was born on December 11, 1940, Giza, Egypt. Graduated from Ain-shams University in 1963, with B.Sc. in Automotive. He obtained Ph.D. in Vibration from High School of Transportation in 1972. He was appointed as Research Professor, NRC, 1990 Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, 1974-1982 and 1991-1994.

Prof, El-Mallah participated in several research projects such as:”Development of wind pumping system, proto-type” “Testing of electric driven waterwheels” “Wind energy in Egypt, detailed survey & analysis:, and Application of solar & wind energy in Sinai” Supervised 12 M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses. Published 30 papers in national and international. Attended several conferences and meetings. Member of International Energy Foundation and International Association for solar energy education.

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